The Story of Jesus' People Activity Book

The Story of Jesus' People Activity Book

R.A. Sheats

Level 1
1-2 Grade
1 Credit

The Story of Jesus’ People records the remarkable history of God’s church from the first century to the present day. Young children will be enthralled by the marvelous tales of kings and emperors, missionaries and mothers, ordinary people, and even little children used by God to extend His kingdom on earth. From Athanasius to David Livingstone, from Martin Luther to modern-day Bible smugglers, young readers will delight in the exciting and action-packed tales included in this volume.

From the heart of Africa to the frozen wastelands of Greenland, the story of Jesus’ people is recorded in fascinating detail yet in language simple enough for children to understand. Great champions of the faith such as Martin Luther and Alfred the Great stand alongside lesser-known heroes such as nine-year-old King Edward, the fearless Kapiolani of Hawaii, and Paul Sawabe, the Japanese samurai who sacrificed everything for Jesus Christ. These tales of the mighty men and women of the past are sure to inspire and encourage a new generation to stand strong in the good fight as they continually look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of their faith!

R 372.00

 -R 428.00


The Story of Jesus’ People records the remarkable history of God’s church from the first century to the present day. Young children will be enthralled by the marvelous tales of kings and emperors, missionaries and mothers, ordinary people, and even little children used by God to extend His kingdom on earth. From Athanasius to David Livingstone, from Martin Luther to modern-day Bible smugglers, young readers will delight in the exciting and action-packed tales included in this volume.

From the heart of Africa to the frozen wastelands of Greenland, the story of Jesus’ people is recorded in fascinating detail yet in language simple enough for children to understand. Great champions of the faith such as Martin Luther and Alfred the Great stand alongside lesser-known heroes such as nine-year-old King Edward, the fearless Kapiolani of Hawaii, and Paul Sawabe, the Japanese samurai who sacrificed everything for Jesus Christ. These tales of the mighty men and women of the past are sure to inspire and encourage a new generation to stand strong in the good fight as they continually look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of their faith!